16 May 2017

Drawing Tuesday - Wallace Collection

The current exhibition (till 30 July) is about gilding - I got only as far as the first room because the intricate drawings by Pierre-Adrien Paris reached out from their frames and grabbed me.
Part of one of Paris's drawings
More intricacy in ink and wash
Paris (1745-1819) spent his latter years cataloguing his collection of some 2,000 drawings, many of which were made during three years he spent in Rome in the 1770s. This sojourn formed an "archaeological approach to architecture" which was reflected in his later designs.

I tried out several pencils and got more familiar with the leafy forms, but certainly have a lot to learn from Paris's drawings -
Not everyone got stuck in the exhibition -
Janet B's combination of simple lines and more-worked areas

Sue's observations of gilding

Carol's lively River Nile

Joyce's "Young Cicero Reading"

Judith tackled "that horse"
Extracurricular actitivies -
Carol found photos of a maze she'd made (on canvas) years ago, and also
found out its current location

Following on from the ceramic lizard in Margate, Janet B drew lizards
at the Royal Veterinary College 

Joyce tried various ways of drawing birdsong

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